Narvija joins ABB’s “The Energy Efficiency Movement” initiative
UAB Narvija has joined ABB’s initiative “The Energy Efficiency Movement”, offering engineering solutions to ensure smooth and uninterrupted operations in any industry. This partnership reflects the company’s commitment to sustainable, environmentally friendly practices in its operations and to encourage customers to use energy efficiently.
Mantas Jakas, Director of Narvija, is delighted to join ABB’s initiative and has no doubt that the company will continue to actively promote sustainability ideas together with ABB. “We are confident that by leveraging ABB’s global expertise and innovative solutions, we can help our customers to save energy consumption, reduce their CO2 footprint, and create long-term value by purchasing investments that pay for themselves in the long run and, in many cases, even exceed expectations, as demonstrated by the solutions we have implemented”.
According to Justinas Pesliakas, Head of ABB’s electric motors and drives business in Lithuania, Narvija’s joining the Energy Efficiency Initiative is an important step in Narvija’s commitment to adopt the already available energy efficient technological solutions and to encourage its customers to do the same through leadership. “It is estimated that electric motors consume more than 45% of the world’s total energy, and that this figure will double by 2040. Together, as industrial companies and technology giants, we have a responsibility to develop and apply technologies that will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
Energy efficiency projects of Narvija UAB
Narvija, together with its partners in the world’s largest market, carries out a wide range of energy-saving projects in virtually all areas of industry: the application of significantly more efficient electric motors in manufacturing plants, the replacement of trapezoidal belts with more efficient synchronous belts, the replacement of energy-saving synthetic oil in gearboxes, the optimisation of pneumatic designs and losses to save energy, the audit of industrial pumps and the calculation of the projected return on investment for more sustainable pumps.
The company’s aim is to implement customer ideas through innovative solutions from equipment manufacturers, pilot projects and realistic calculations that have already proven their worth.
It also aims to educate customers about potential losses, to offer them tools to calculate and save energy consumption, or to provide solutions on-site at the customer’s workplace.
Successful energy saving projects implemented by Narvija UAB
Narvija UAB can boast of very significant projects that have enabled clients to use energy more efficiently, thus promoting sustainability and reducing the client’s financial costs and costs in relation to the volume of output.
EU directives play an important role in large manufacturing companies, where energy audits and requirements are carried out. As a result, energy-efficient equipment is becoming a necessity rather than a choice. For example, one of the most recent projects implemented by Narvija UAB with great success is the 11-unit energy efficiency project. ABB IE4 Super Premium Efficiency electric motors in a manufacturing company in central Lithuania, which is estimated to pay for itself in the first 12-18 months. The project will save the manufacturing company more than 900 000 kWh of energy per year. Overall, Narvija’s customers will have reduced their electricity consumption by 1.2 million kWh in 2023 by implementing the energy saving initiatives offered by the partners.
As Mantas Jakas points out, customers often want to choose cheaper electric motors because their price seems more competitive at first glance and requires less investment, but this thinking proves wrong in the long run. “Unfortunately, in such cases, the customer pays twice. If you buy a cheap engine for 2-4 times the price, you very quickly realise that you have made a mistake because you are not getting the result you expected or were promised.”
When equipment breaks down, by ordering a new, quality electric motor quickly, with all the losses of the unproduced product, the customer pays 10 or even 100 times more than he would have paid for a suitable, quality electric motor.
“In order to show the customer the advantages of ABB, we analyse the operating environment, use specific calculations, test more efficient equipment in the customer’s working environment, provide specific customer case studies and there are virtually no more questions,” shares Mantas Jakas.
Congratulations to Narvija UAB for joining the ABB energy efficiency movement! Only together can we build a cleaner, more efficient and smarter energy future. We are happy to work with partners who share our vision for sustainability and innovation and are committed to making a real difference! – Justinas Pesliakas shares.