HIWIN specializes in the production of linear motion systems, ball screws, linear actuators, and linear roller bearings. It is a well-known and highly regarded brand worldwide, recognized for the high quality of its products. Their patents are registered in more than 34 countries, including the United States, Japan, and European Union countries.
Leaders in Technology
HIWIN is professionals in the implementation of technology, and their slogan “With us, you are the winner of high technology” perfectly reflects their main goal. HIWIN believes that every customer, by incorporating their products into their programs, will immediately understand the uncompromising value and unconditionally appreciate the cutting-edge technological solutions offered.
Green and Red
Hiwin associates its company philosophy with two colors – green and red. Green represents unified environmental and employee safety, secondary use of raw materials, waste sorting, and energy savings. To effectively achieve these goals, Hiwin educates and updates employees’ understanding of environmental protection, employee health, and occupational safety.
Red represents the common goal of promoting employee enthusiasm, high work ethics, and unwavering, innovative spirit.
Industry Sectors
Hiwin specializes in the medical industry, laboratory work specifics, packaging, and the metal industry. They offer solutions in industries where an automation process is needed or already implemented. The aim is to reduce the risk of human errors and help employees perform hazardous or repetitive tasks.
The key advantages of automation are consistency, cost-effectiveness, safety, and production efficiency.